Contact Lenses For Color Blindness

Most people with color vision deficiency (CDV) can see colors. However, they can’t discern between these colors:
- Specific shades of green and reds, which are very common.
- Yellows and blues, which are less common.
That said, those who are completely color blind (achromatopsia), can only view things as white, black, or in shades of gray.
What Causes CVD?
Normally, color vision deficiency is a genetic condition. It is caused by a normal X-linked recessive gene, which is passed from a mother to her child. Another cause of this condition is an injury or disease, which destroys the retina or the optic nerve.
Also, CVD can vary from mild to severe, but it depends on the cause. If it’s inherited, it can affect both eyes. By contrast, if it is caused by illness or injury, it affects only one eye.
How is Color Vision Deficiency treated?
Inherited color deficiency has no cure, but if it’s as a result of an eye injury or disease, treating the disease can improve color vision.
Now, every person with color vision deficiency has one wish: I would love to see things and discern colors as everyone else can. With color correcting glasses and lenses, you can get what you wish for.
Whether you want to wear color-correcting glasses and lenses depends on your specific likes and dislikes. So make sure you factor in comfort, lifestyle, convenience, aesthetics, and budget, before making a decision.
Color correcting glasses vs. contact lenses: which should you go for? Let’s find out, shall we?
Contact Lenses
Yes, Contact lenses can help give vision to those who are long sighted or short-sighted. But can they correct color blindness. Doctor Azman has created the ColorCorrection System – ColorCorrective contact lens that helps ALL types of color blindness.
The most prevalent type of Color Vision Deficiency affects the green and red areas of the spectrum. When green and red light penetrates the eye, it activates green and red-sensitive cones simultaneously. What this means is people with CVD can’t easily distinguish between green and red colors.
What sufferers will see is a dull yellow-brown, which can impede day-to-day activities like looking at traffic lights.
There is a study that aims to fix the issue by utilizing gene therapy to create new cones in color vision deficient monkeys, while Dr. Azman has developed the ColorCorrection System™ to correct the color vision problem.
His novel system is the only color blindness “solution” with a 100% success rate for passing the Ishihara Color Plate Test. The system functions by using individualized filters to alter the wavelength of every color that enters the eyes.
These filters are specially designed for every individual. Also, the filters can be designed as color blind contact lenses. Further, contact lenses correspond to the eye’s curvature, offering a wider range of view.
What are the benefits of using contact lenses?
- Contact lenses for color blindness cause fewer vision obstructions and contortion.
- Contact lenses will not prevent you from exercising or playing sports. It doesn’t clash with your outfits (if you pay attention to what you wear, most people do)
- Typically, weather condition doesn’t affect contact lenses; they won’t fog up during winter like glasses.
- Color-corrected Aspheric lenses help lessen both chromatic and spherical abnormalities, making them perfect for many applications where image quality and accurate results are important.
- Color correction lenses don’t change your natural appearance and it’s comfortable for most users.
The disadvantages…
- Some people find it hard to apply color-correcting contact lens. However, the right practice and technique can solve this issue.
- Wearing some contact lenses can decrease the amount of oxygen the eyes receive. Also, it can lead to or worsen dry eye syndrome.
- Wearing contact lenses while working on a computer can cause you to have computer vision syndrome. And doing this often can worsen the symptoms.
- Contact lenses need the right care. You much clean the lens and the case daily to prevent potentially severe eye infections. If committing to a daily care routine is an issue, you can use daily disposables.
- Some sufferers can’t use contact lenses for color blindness without pain
- If you sleep while wearing contacts for color blindness, your eyes may feel irritated, gritty, dry, and red when you wake up. But if falling sleeping with the contacts occurs often, you should use an extended wear lens. You can use them for thirty days of constant wear.
Glasses for Color Blindness
Typically, color blindness is an inherited genetic disorder – and it has no cure. So the main treatments include learning to live with the disorder or color corrective lenses.
For instance, the “go” light on a train light is at the bottom, and the “stop” signal is at the top. If you can learn the positions of these lights, it makes driving or walking easier.
A lot of sufferers arrange their belongings to know which items match the others. Studying signs for maps, transportation, even electronics guide becomes crucial since color-coding can be missed. But with the advent of glasses for color blindness, you can see the colors more perfectly.
So what are color blind glasses? What do they do?
Colorblind glasses or eyeglasses contain unique tinted lenses, which help improve the contrast between colors by filtering out light.
While colorblind eyeglasses will not “cure” the condition, the glasses give color vision deficient individuals a chance to see things correctly. Also, it allows sufferers to experience a higher color spectrum while wearing eyeglasses.
Further, the glasses for Color blindness have functional applications. This includes helping a color vision deficient person pick colors. It also suits the patterns and colors of their clothes, reducing inappropriate and odd color choices. Also, using a color blind glasses help expense the career path for people with color blindness.
An excellent option for color blind glasses is the ColorCorrection System, created by Dr. Azman, a world-renowned optometrist in Maryland.
It is a proprietary system of customized filters, which alters the wavelength of color that enters the eyes.
What Are the Advantages of Color Blind Glasses?
- Donning a pair of eyeglasses for color blindness decreases the urge to touch your eyes. This, in turn, minimizes the likelihood of developing an infection.
- If your eyes are sensitive or dry, color blind glasses won’t worsen the issue like contact lenses would.
- Compared to contact lenses, color blind glasses are more cost-effective over the long term. No one replaces eyeglasses often – well, if you break them, you would. Also, if your prescription changes, you only need to change the lens and keep your frames!
- Frames make a stylish statement and speak volume about your style and personality. So if you want to make a bold statement, get a color blind eyeglasses.
Color-blind eyeglasses provide some protection from harsh environmental factors like dust, wind, and debris.
The disadvantages…
- Some users dislike how color blind glasses look on them. These users feel it conceals their features.
- If your prescription is strong, the rims of your lenses will appear thick and unattractive. Also, the glasses might make your eyes look magnified or minified, giving you an unnatural look.
- A lot of elements can affect glasses for color blindness. During winter, your vision can be blurred or blocked when precipitation gathers on your lenses.
- Glasses for color blindness sit about 12mm from the eyes, which can alter peripheral vision. Also, a lot of people report blurry vision and trouble focusing on things after wearing glasses for the first time. This difficulty also applies to change of prescriptions.
- Most eyeglasses, particularly the frames apply constant pressure behind your ears and on your nose. This can cause you to have constant headaches and pain.
Contact or Glasses?
Thanks to the development of contact lens technology, color vision deficient people can wear contact lenses successfully, even if they choose to wear glasses as their main form of color blind vision correction.
Also, first time wearers of color blind glasses are often stunned by the colors they see. Normally, they see a wider array of colors immediately and better color vibrancy than what was normal without the glasses.
So it all comes down to the personal choice of the sufferer. But contact lenses for color blindness don’t have much footprint than eyeglasses. Most sufferers don’t want to disclose their disability, making contact lenses the perfect solution since it’s less visible to others
But take note: if you put on contact lenses for color blindness full-time, you need a good pair of eyeglasses — just in case you want to take off your contacts as a result of an irritation or eye infection. Won’t it be nice to give your eyes a break?
Final thoughts
No doubts, Color blindness can be upsetting and can prevent you from excelling in some careers. But in some cases, it is not a severe threat to eyesight. With practice, patience, and time, you can adapt.
Are you ready to initiate the process to get a contact lens to treat color blindness?
By undergoing Color Vision Deficiency treatment with Dr. Thomas Azman, you can get corrective eyeglasses and lenses that let you chase your passion without the many limitations created by color blindness.
You can start by taking this FREE color blind test.
Are you in need of more information concerning contact lenses for color blindness or anything else related? Visit the FAQ page for more info.
If what you get there is not enough, and you’d like to schedule a consultation or talk to a Specialist, then contact Dr. Azman by calling (443) 470-9844, or by filling out this secure online form.